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PJF Attended Kartik Purnima Event in Shri Ram Mandir Ibaraki Ken, Bando Shi, Sugaya


Press Release

Sugaya, 26th November (Sunday) – Patanjali Japan Foundation, a leading organization dedicated to promoting holistic well-being & yoga as a routine recently participated in a grand event commemorating Kartik Purnima in Shri Ram Mandir, Ibaraki Ken, Bando Shi, Sugaya, 54-2. 

The event, held on 26th November (Sunday) featured a series of spiritual activities, including temple puja, prayers, sacred plantation, and a cultural program that commenced with the ancient practice of Pranayama. 

Kartik purnima is also known as Dev Deepawali. It has a significant Hindu festival observed on the full moon day in the month of Kartik, and is celebrated with fervour and devotion. The event was organised by the Shri Ram Mandir Foundation.

Highlights of the Event:

Temple Puja: The day commenced with a traditional temple puja, invoking blessings for prosperity, health, and unity among all participants. We are blessed to have Panda (Bhaina) ji, Anup ji and supporting hands by Lopa san and others. Our Yajamanas (Chandrani san & Maam) were truly in their devotion. What touched us is, they made the garlands for 3 deities and Sudarshan by their own hands

Prayers: Attendees had the opportunity to participate in soul-soothing prayers, creating an atmosphere of tranquillity and spiritual reflection. Boita Vandana was a new ritual for many but warmly accepted by people joining in queues to get a Boita from the counter and immerse into water with candles. Heartfelt thanks to all the people involved in making those beautiful boats.

Sacred Plantation: As part of Patanjali Japan Foundation's commitment to environmental consciousness, a sacred plantation ceremony was conducted, emphasising the importance of nurturing and preserving nature. The sacred Plantation was a symbolic event connecting us to UN ecosystem restoration as well as a true Puja to nature God where Lord Jagannath is made up of Woods. Our sincere gratitude to all voluntary contributions towards this noble cause.

Cultural Program & Pranayama Session: The festivities continued with a vibrant cultural program that showcased the rich heritage of India, The event started with a Pranayama session, emphasizing the significance of mindful breathing for overall well-being and stress management. All the devotional performances were amazing and they all brought the live to the event. 

Prasad Distribution: Prasad made for lunch was divine and hugely appreciated. We thank all Sevakas who dedicated their late night and early morning effort to ensure quality food is served to all devotees joining the event. 

Diverse Stalls: The event featured a spectrum of stalls catering to varied interests. Attendees explored the ISKCON Divine Books stall for spiritual literature, admired the craftsmanship at the Handicrafts stall, indulged in the latest fashion trends at the Ladies Suit, Saree, and Jewelry stall, discovered travel opportunities at the Travel stall, and immersed themselves in melodious tunes at the Music stall.

Patanjali Japan Foundation expresses our sincere gratitude to all the Shri Ram Mandir team, devotees, each and every volunteer for their selfless service and Indian associations supporting the noble cause and spreading the Santani culture in the land of rising Sun.



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