750,000,000 Rounds of Suryanamaskar challange

On the occasion of 75th Anniversary of Indian Independence, we are celebrating as "azadi ka amrit mahotsav" by executing 750 Millions rounds of Suryanamaskar from January 1st to February 20th 2022 all over the world.
This is official attempt for Gunnies book of world record. The condition is to practice suryanamaskar for minimum 21 days and 13 rounds each day.
This event is organized jointly by National Yogasana sports Federation, Patanjali Yogpeeth, Geeta Pariwar, Kreeda Bharti, Heartfulness and World Yogasana with support of Ministry of AYUSH and FIT India movement.
Patanjali Japan Foundation is jointly organizing in Japan with above stakeholders.
Execute Total 75 Crore (750,000,000) rounds of suryanamaskar all over the world.
Practice Suryanamaskar for Minimum 21 days, minimum 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar in one day which takes maximum 15 minutes.
Keep the record of each participants with Name and number of days suryanamaskar practiced.
Eligible participants will be provided the certificate and best participants will get the award.
Original website: https://www.75suryanamaskar.com/
Key Milestones
January 1 to February 20, 2022

Application open (End date: Jan-15, 2022)
Scroll down to see more
How to Join
Application form: https://www.patanjali.jp/event-details/750-000-000-times-suryanamaskar
How To Join
Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/3515730991
Zoom ID: 3515730991
Password: "dailyyoga“ -
Link with password: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3515730991?pwd=MXB2OFBiSkdqR2JrcmU2MDk1K0s4QT09
Execution Plan
For Individuals
Option 1:
Register at https://www.75suryanamaskar.com
Practice Daily 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar by yourself
Login to above website and log your attendance.
Option 2:
Register at https://www.patanjali.jp/event-details/750-000-000-times-suryanamaskar
Practice daily 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar at 7:15 AM (JST) for 15 minutes under the guidance of Yoga experts
PJF will log your attendance on your behalf.
For Organizations
Option 1:
Register at https://www.75suryanamaskar.com
Practice Daily 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar by yourself
Login to above website and log your attendance.
Option 2:
Register at https://www.patanjali.jp/event-details/750-000-000-times-suryanamaskar
Each organization will appoint the Person In charge to coordinate with PJF.
Information required from each organization are (Representative Person In Charge, Number of students/yogis, Name of students/yogis in excel (For certification))
Practice daily 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar at 7:15 AM (JST) for 15 minutes under the guidance of Yoga experts
Detailed daily attendance to be managed by the representative Person In Charge of each organization
Consolidated attendance to be managed by PJF’s backend team.
Option 3:
Register at https://www.patanjali.jp/event-details/750-000-000-times-suryanamaskar
Each organization will appoint the Person In charge to coordinate with PJF.
Information required from each organization are (Representative Person In Charge, Number of students/yogis, Name of students/yogis in excel (For certification))
Inform PJF’s monitor when you are going to conduct suryanamaskar. PJF monitor will monitor the suryanamskar by zoom.
Practice daily 13 rounds of Suryanamaskar at anytime for 15 minutes.
Detailed daily attendance to be managed by the representative Person In Charge of each organization
Consolidated attendance to be managed by PJF’s backend team.
Contact at "contact@patanjali.jp" for any questions

Suryanamaskar Sequence

Download PDF

Organizers in Japan

World Yogasana
Patanjali Japan Foundation
Organizers and collaborations in Bharat (India)

Original website: https://www.75suryanamaskar.com/
Supported By

Nirvanam Indian Restaurant
Kamiyacho (Tel-03-3433-1217)
Toranomon (Tel-03-5510-7875)
Ginza (Tel-03-6271-0957)
Ariake (Tel-03-5962-4825)
Kawagoe (Tel-049-265-4343)
Centar-Kita, Yokohama (Tel-045-910-5201)
Contact at "contact@patanjali.jp" for collaboration or support