Ushtrasana, also known as camel pose, is a cultural Asana that involves bending the spine backwards. This Asana's final position is similar to that of a camel. The camel posture is extremely beneficial both physiologically and psychologically. It is an Asana that aids in the removal of complacency and the development of a stronger emotional disposition.
How to do
Step 1
Place your hands on your knees. Maintain complete straightness of the thighs.
Maintain a tight grip on the knees and feet. However, if one feels more comfortable keeping a little space between them, they may do so.
Step 2
Lean in the opposite direction. Back up a little more. Use your right hand to reach the right heel, and your left hand to reach the left heel. Avoid putting strain on your body.
Step forward with your hips. The thighs must remain vertical.
Step 3
Then, without straining, bend the head and spine as far back as possible.
Relax the entire body, including the back muscles. Equally distribute your body weight between your legs and arms.
Step 4
Maintain the back arch by keeping the arms in a position where they anchor the shoulders.
Stay in the same position for as long as it is comfortable for you.
Step 5
Allow your arms to hang naturally, elbows slightly bent and palms facing forward.
Your neck is long, your chin is neither tucked nor lifted, and the crown of your head is raised toward the ceiling.
Step 6
Then, one by one, remove your hands from your heels and return to the starting position. Take deep breaths and relax.
Benefits of
There is inverted pressure on the vertebrae from the lower back to the shoulder and neck.
Stretching of the thighs, abdomen, thorax, neck, and facial muscles relative to one another.
It relieves constipation.
Back pain is relieved.
Corrects drooping shoulders and a rounded back to improve posture.
Improves breathing by opening up the chest; therefore, beneficial to asthmatics.
Beneficial effect on the ovaries, thyroid, and other glands.
Reduces abdominal, thigh, and arm fat.
Cautions of
Throughout the practise, breathe normally. Long, deep breaths should be avoided because the chest is already stretched during this asana, and taking long, deep breaths may cause breathing discomfort.
People with high or low blood pressure should avoid doing this asana.
This asana should be avoided by people who suffer from insomnia.
People who have a back injury or neck pain should avoid Ustrasana.
People suffering from migraines should avoid using Ustrasana.
Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.