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Patanjali Japan Foundation website launch


Namaste All (日本語はこちらへ

Today May 30th, 2020, we are launching our website "" officially.

At first, we would like to express our deepest appreciation and respect for all those around the world who are fighting against the Coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic.

They are our real warriors who are fighting day and night.

It’s been more than 5 years since we started introducing yoga in Japan mainly by different events like International Day of Yoga, Namaste India, Setagaya International Messe and many others.

While promoting yoga in these events, we found that yoga is quite popular in Japan, but something is missing.

To address that missing part, we are working tirelessly to fulfil that gap.

We are preparing a system where we can support everyone to include true essence of yoga in everybody’s lifestyle and empower yoga teachers by improving their skills and knowledge.

This website can be considered as a small step forward for the establishment of this system.

In current lifestyle, most of us are stressed due to the vicious cycle of our daily routine. We hardly get time to do self-introspection and think about our actual goals and ambitions in life, our strengths and weaknesses, our family and friends. This leads to cutting off from society and affecting our overall health, not only physical but mental and spiritual.

We want everybody to be healthy physically, mentally and spiritually.

Our vision is "a better lifestyle" or "よりよい生き方"

and Our Mission is to Spread the awareness of ancient system of Bhartiye (Indian) Yoga which includes physical, mental and spiritual aspects, to all corners of the world.

Original Mission statement

भारत के वास्तविक योग के प्रचार और प्रसार के माध्यम से जापान और विश्व में सभी को शारीरिक, मानसिक और आत्मिक रूप से स्वस्थ रखना।

Our approach is scientific, and evidence based.

This is our 3 steps approach to achieve our goals.

Regular yoga practice

Share and promote yoga knowledge scientifically and philosophically

Create and empower teachers of yoga

We will update our website, social networking sites (SNS) regularly for more information.

Let’s learn and practice together the ancient knowledge of yoga and unite our body, mind and soul.

Please join us to empower the lifestyle of ourselves, our families, friends, colleagues and everybody.

Thank you reading and allow us to launch this website.

May 30, 2020

Team (Patanjali Japan Foundation)



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