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Enhance Quality - Sleep better with simple Yoga poses - You Must Try

If you don't get enough sleep at night, you may be ageing faster than you should. You may not feel on top of the world, and your thinking may be clouded and muddled. When we sleep, our bodies repair themselves on a cellular level and eliminate toxins. As a result, it is critical to get at least six to eight hours of quality sleep per day.

Enhance Quality - Sleep better with simple Yoga poses - You Must Try

Yoga can assist you if you are unable to get enough good sleep. Yoga is known to help with a variety of ailments, including insomnia and irregular sleeping habits. The following yoga stretches can help you relax and get a good night's sleep:

  • Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)

  • Cat stretch (Marjariasana)

  • Child pose (Shishuasana)

  • Butterfly pose (Baddhakonasana)

  • Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani)

yoga for better sleep

Yoga poses for a sound sleep:

1. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)

This pose stretches the back muscles, softens the spine, and energizes the nervous system by increasing blood supply.

1. Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana)

Precautions For Standing forward bend (Hastapadasana):

Straighten your hands. Now, while exhaling, bend forward from the waist and try to touch your feet with both hands. You should not bend your knees. Your head should be in direct contact with your knees.

2. Cat stretch (Marjariasana)

The Cat stretch is an excellent stretch for making the spine flexible. It also massages the digestive organs and improves digestion, allowing you to sleep better. It also increases blood circulation and helps to relax the mind.

 Cat stretch (Marjariasana)

Precautions For Cat stretch (Marjariasana):

  • It is advised to exercise caution when expanding and contracting the abdomen.

  • Excessive stretching of the body may result in pain and muscle strain.

  • When performing this asana during pregnancy, only a gentle stretch of the abdomen is recommended.

  • People who have a head or knee injury should avoid doing this asana.

3. Child Pose (Shishuasana)

This pose is a deeply relaxing stretch for the back that also helps to calm the nervous system and aids in peaceful sleep.

Child Pose (Shishuasana)

Precautions For Child Pose (Shishuasana)

You should not do Child Pose (Shishuasana) when-

  • Any back or knee injury

  • If you are pregnant

  • If you are suffering or recently suffered from diarrhea

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

yoga for better sleep

4. Butterfly pose (Baddhakonasana)

This pose can help relieve fatigue caused by long periods of standing or walking. It stretches the inner thighs, groyne, and knees.

 Butterfly pose (Baddhakonasana)

Precautions For Butterfly pose (Baddhakonasana):

  • Do not practise this asana if you have a lower back injury, hip or groyne injury, or if you have a hip or groyne injury.

  • If you have sciatica, do not perform this asana.

  • People who have recently had surgery should avoid doing this asana.

5. Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani)

Lie on your back with your legs straight. Lift one leg up, then the other, and place your feet on the wall. Extend your arms along the sides, palms up.

Close your eyes and continue to take deep breaths as you relax into the pose. You can completely relax by placing an eye cushion over your eyes to block out the light. Stay in the pose for as long as you can comfortably and then slowly come out, lowering your legs.

Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani)

This is a fantastic pose for tired legs and feet. It also helps to increase blood supply to the brain, which calms the mind and relieves mild headaches.

Aside from these yoga poses, lying down in Corpse pose (Shavasana) and practicing Yoga Nidra after meals can help relax the body.

Precautions For Legs-up-the-wall pose (Viparita Karani)

Because this asana is a mild inversion, it should be avoided during menstruation. If you have severe eye problems, such as glaucoma, avoid this asana. If you have severe back or neck pain, make sure you do this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor.

Sleep experts frequently emphasize the importance of developing a consistent nighttime routine to signal your body that it is time to prepare for sleep. You can incorporate Nadi Shodhan pranayama into your ritual to relieve tension and fall asleep peacefully.

Other tips to help you sleep better

  • Avoid performing Bhastrika pranayama and Sudarshan Kriya in the late evening. They will provide you with a lot of energy and keep you awake.

  • Avoid watching a horror movie late at night because the memory of it will linger.

  • Before going to bed, listen to soft instrumental music, such as veena or chanting, or some knowledge talk.

  • Sleeping for half an hour in the afternoon and six to eight hours at night is a good practice.

  • Consider what you did during the day. Feel satisfied, pray, and go to bed with a happy and relaxed mind.

  • Finish your dinner by 8:30 p.m. at the latest. Allow at least two hours between your last meal and your bedtime.

  • If you had a disagreement with your partner or a loved one, make sure you resolved it before going to bed.

  • Avoid using stimulants at night, especially if you have insomnia.

  • Before going to bed, meditate or practice Yoga Nidra. This will assist you in relaxing and sleeping.

Yoga practice benefits both the body and the mind, but it is not a replacement for medicine. It is critical to learn and practice yoga under the supervision of a certified Yoga instructor.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

yoga for better sleep

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