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7 Healthy Food Habits To Maintain Wellness - Nutrition Tips

Kartik, 30, works as a software engineer and enjoys photography as a hobby. His typical week consists of 45-50 hours of work. Despite being a fitness enthusiast, his hectic schedule leaves him with little time to keep his body in shape.

Kartik is suffering from backache, fatigue, and constipation as a result of long hours spent in front of the computer, bare-minimum breaks, and stressful deadlines.

We often end up compromising our health at an age when we are expected to work tirelessly. While many people would agree that exercising regularly helps keep such risks at bay, it may not be enough.

Is it enough, however, to eat the right foods? The answer is emphatically no. We must learn good eating habits in addition to eating the right foods.

While there are no hard and fast rules to follow, here are a few do's and don'ts that are part of healthy eating habits.

1. See what you are eating

Examine your current diet. What do you eat more of? Do you eat too many calories and don't have enough time to burn them off? Then you should probably eat something less fattening and easier for your body to digest. A few minutes spent doing basic yoga postures will also help you burn calories.

Pro tip: Plan healthy meals ahead of time and make sure you have all of the ingredients on hand. Cooking will be easier and faster.

2. Choose green leafy vegetables

Include more green leafy vegetables in your diet. They are high in protein, iron, calcium, and fibre. Green leafy vegetables are simple to prepare and delicious.

Pro tip: For each meal, try to include as many colours as possible on your plate. It would be ideal if you could incorporate all six types of tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter, pungent, and astringent) at least once a day.

3. Know when to drink water

Water provides a significant amount of minerals to the body. Drinking plenty of water also aids in detoxification and results in glowing skin. Water, on the other hand, should be avoided during meals because it slows digestion.

Water should be consumed 30 to 50 minutes before or after your meal. Yes, learning to drink water correctly provides a solid foundation for good eating habits.

Drink a glass of water immediately after waking up and before brushing your pearly whites. Morning saliva is thought to be extremely beneficial to digestion. Drinking water first thing in the morning (known as ushapana in Ayurveda) aids in the removal of toxins from the body.

4. Include enough proteins in your diet

Proteins are essential for the body and should be included in the diet. Protein-rich foods include broccoli, soybeans, lentils, asparagus, and spinach. Low-fat dairy products are also high in protein. Ensure that your body receives the necessary amount of proteins on a daily basis.

Pro tip: Good proteins should account for approximately 25% of your meal. If you regularly engage in active exercise, the amount could be increased by 5%.

5. Chew your food

Have you ever observed a cow chewing its food? It happens at least 40-60 times.

Chewing food is one of the simplest and most obvious ways to digest it. Most people eat their food quickly and without properly chewing it. While what you eat is eventually digested, a barely chewed morsel takes longer and strains your digestive system.

Furthermore, the more you chew your food, the easier it is for your stomach to digest it and the more calories you burn while moving your jaw. Small steps, such as learning to chew correctly, can go a long way toward forming a healthy eating habit.

6. Keep away from fast food and soft drinks

Although it may satisfy your taste buds, fast food is usually harmful to the body. It can be unsanitary and high in harmful fats such as trans fats. Furthermore, carbonated soft drinks contain a high sugar content, which contributes to obesity, diabetes, and dental caries. Instead of these harmful beverages, try a glass of buttermilk or lemonade.

Pro tip: Infuse slices of fruits such as oranges or grapes, lemons, and herbs such as tulsi or mint in water for several hours before drinking. Lemon and cucumber also help to alkalinize the water, which is beneficial to the body. You'll love these non-soft-drink alternatives. It's never been easier to maintain healthy eating habits.

7. Prepare meals at home

Instead of ordering pizza from the restaurant around the corner, use your kitchen to prepare that dish you've been wanting to try. Cooking at home is an excellent investment because it allows you to spend more quality time with your family.

It's an excellent way to ensure that everyone in the family practices healthy eating habits. It's also a good idea to eat while sitting cross-legged on the floor or in a chair. Give it a shot!

Sukhasana facilitates sitting with a straight back as opposed to slouching on a chair or sinking into a sofa. A slouch will also cause the abdominal areas to bend and twist, whereas a straight back will help the stomach. This will aid in food digestion. A good posture also helps to reduce excessive

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Note: All asanas and pranayama must be done under the guidance of a certified yoga instructor.

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