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Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Updated: Nov 25, 2021

Acidity is common in people who eat unhealthy foods. Hyperacidity occurs when the level of acid in the stomach rises. Acid reflux can occur when acid flows backwards from the stomach to the oesophagus.

yoga for acidity

How Does Yoga Help Cure Acidity?

The stomach secretes hydrochloric acid, which aids digestion. The acid not only aids in the breakdown and digestion of food, but it also kills germs that enter the stomach with it. The increase in the amount of this acid is referred to as acidity.

Yoga is the most effective exercise for treating this condition. Doctors now highly recommend yoga exercise for acid reflux. Yoga can help with acid reflux in the following ways:

  • It improves digestion by increasing circulation in the stomach and intestine.

  • Yoga promotes bowel movements and reduces gas formation.

  • It aids in the reduction of the stress that causes acidity.

  • Yoga aids in the strengthening of the digestive system.

Yoga Poses for Acid Reflux Relief

Here are some yoga asanas that you can do to get quick relief from acidity.

1. Kapalabhati Pranayama

This asana is beneficial for treating obesity, stomach disorders, digestive disorders, and a variety of other stomach-related conditions.

Kapalabhati  Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Kapalabhati Pranayama

  1. Sit on the floor, your legs folded. Close your eyes and maintain a straight spine.

  2. Maintain your left palm on your left knee and your right palm on your right knee.

  3. Take a long, deep breath. Exhale forcefully to allow your stomach to go deep inside.

  4. When you exhale with a hissing sound, imagine that your problems are coming out of your nose.

  5. Try not to focus too much on inhaling. It should never be difficult to inhale. You have the option of increasing your time from 15 to 30 minutes.

  6. Do not rush through this. The speed should be moderate.

Precautions For Kapalabhati Pranayama

If you are on your period, avoid doing Kapalbhati. Pregnant women should also avoid doing Kapalbhati because contracting the abdominal muscles too tightly can harm the unborn child. If you have a heart condition, exhale slowly. People with high blood pressure should not increase their Kapalbhati consumption.

2. Halasana

Because “Hala” means “plough” and “asana” means “pose” in Sanskrit, Halasana is also known as the plough pose.

Halasana Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Halasana

  1. Lie on your stomach. Maintain a tight grip on your legs and relax your entire body. This is known as Shavasana.

  2. Breathe normally while placing your palm flat on the ground.

  3. Exhale by pressing the palm and raising both legs. Then, try to lower them behind your head.

  4. Hold the posture for a few minutes and take slow, deep breaths.

  5. Return to the Shavasana position.

  6. Repeat the process 3-5 times more.

Precautions For Halasana

  • Do not push yourself beyond your physical limits.

  • If you have diarrhoea, a headache, high blood pressure, menstruation, or a neck injury, avoid halasana.

  • Plough pose should be avoided by women who are pregnant or trying to conceive.

3. Ushtrasana

This pose is also known as the camel pose because the word "ushtra" means "camel." This is extremely beneficial to back problems, blood circulation, and the nervous system.

Ushtrasana Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Ushtrasana

  1. Sit on your knees and bend your back.

  2. Hold your right heel or ankle in your right hand, and your left heel or ankle in your left hand.

  3. Bend your head and neck backwards and push your waist forward a little.

  4. Your breathing will return to normal after 6-10 seconds in the posture.

  5. Return to the first position after a few seconds. Remove your hands from your heels.

  6. Repeat the process a few more times.

Precautions For Ushtrasana

  • Throughout the practise, breathe normally.

  • Beginners may experience dizziness after performing Ustrasana.

  • People with high or low blood pressure should avoid doing this asana.

  • This asana should be avoided by people who suffer from insomnia.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

4. Bhastrika Pranayama

Bhastrika is a Sanskrit word that means "bellows." This exercise is similar to blowing bellows.

Bhastrika Pranayama Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Bhastrika

  1. Place your feet on a yoga mat. If you are unable to sit on the ground, you may sit on a chair instead, as this exercise is related to breathing.

  2. Deeply inhale through your nostrils, filling your lungs with air. When you exhale, make a hissing sound.

  3. Completely exhale and inhale deeply.

  4. Repeat the exercise for a maximum of five minutes, and you will notice a difference in a few days.

Precautions For Bhastrika

  • Pregnant women and people with high blood pressure should not practise this pranayama.

  • Beginners should take their time with this pranayama.

  • Patients with lung, heart, or high blood pressure should always perform this procedure at a slow pace.

5. Vajrasana

This is a simple asana that can be done after eating lunch or dinner. Vajrasana, also known as the "diamond pose," is an excellent way to practice meditation and breathing exercises. You could try this hyperacidity yoga.

Vajrasana Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Vajrasana

  1. Place your feet on a yoga mat. Sit on your buttocks with your knees bent.

  2. Close your eyes and maintain a straight spine.

  3. Maintain your left palm on your left knee and your right palm on your right knee.

  4. Inhale slowly, then exhale slowly.

  5. When you exhale, imagine your problems and disorders slowly leaving your body through your nose.

  6. Stay in this position for 5 minutes before taking a break. You could also extend the time to 15 minutes.

Precautions For Vajrasana

  • Kneel on your yoga mat with your knees together.

  • The big toes must be touching while the heel remains separate.

  • Lower your body, putting your buttocks in the space between your feet.

  • Your heels must be in contact with the sides of your hips.

6. Pawanamuktasana

This is referred to as the wind-removing pose. It is extremely beneficial in the treatment of poor digestion and gas problems. This is one of the best yoga poses for acid reflux.

pawanmuktasan Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Pawanamuktasana

  1. Relax by keeping your legs straight and lying flat on your back. Breathe deeply and rhythmically.

  2. Lift and bend your legs while slowly inhaling. Bring your legs up to your chest until your thighs make contact with your stomach.

  3. Hug your knees and clasp your hands together.

  4. Try to touch your knees with the tip of your nose. This may be difficult at first, but with consistent practise, you will be able to do it. Stay in the same position for a half-minute.

  5. Return to your original position while slowly exhaling.

Precautions For Pawanamuktasana

  • If you are having abdominal surgery, you should skip the asana.

  • Neck strain: It is not advisable to practise having neck pain.

  • Pregnancy: Do not practise if you are pregnant.

  • Hernia: Avoid if you have a hernia.

  • Those suffering from piles should refrain from participating.

7. Anulom Vilom

This pranayama is extremely effective at cleansing the body and mind. When you do this exercise on a regular basis, it provides your body with energy while also relieving anxiety and stress. It should always be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Anulom vilom Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

Steps To Do Anulom Vilom

  1. Sit on the ground or in a chair that is comfortable for you. It makes no difference where you sit because this is a breathing exercise.

  2. Close your right nostril with your right thumb and breathe in through your left nostril. Then, using your ring and middle fingers, close your left nostril and exhale through your right nostril.

  3. Inhale deeply through the right nostril once more, then close it and exhale deeply through the left nostril. This procedure should be repeated.

  4. Repeat the exercise for 5-10 minutes.

  5. When you breathe, keep in mind that your lungs, not your nostrils, should be used.

Precautions For Anulom Vilom

  • Initially, practise anulom-vilom without holding your breath for at least 3-4 months.

  • Maintain a 1:2:2 ratio of breathing, holding breath, and exhaling at first.

  • Don't hold your breath for too long.

  • Sit quietly while performing this asana.

  • Gradually increase the duration of the asana.

You could try these yoga poses for acid reflux relief, as well as to lower your blood pressure and stress. If you practice these yoga asanas on a daily basis, you will notice a difference very quickly.

Note: All the asanas and pranayama should be performed under the guidance of your certified yoga teacher.

Yoga Asanas to Help Reduce Gastric & Acidity Problems

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